Eunice Jethá

Eunice Jethá, graduated in Medicine at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in 2004, and completed a master’s degree in public health at the same university. She is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Ghent. She is the Director of the UEM Health Center, where she has served as Manager since 2016.  She is a member of the postgraduate and scientific committees of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as of the UEM Rectory Council.

As a lecturer at the Community Health Department, Faculty of Medicine- UEM, she also conducts training and research activities in public health. In addition, Dr Eunice coordinates the activities of the injury and violence unit of the Faculty of Medicine and a postgraduate program in injury and violence at UEM, funded by the Kingdom of Sweden.

Dr Eunice has authored scientific publications in public health.

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