Samiratou Ouedraogo

Researcher in Population health

Samira Ouedraogo is a junior lecturer and Co-chair of the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair in “Research and Action Against Cancer” at the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Her specific research interests include health system improvement, infectious diseases, cancers, sexual and reproductive health, and rights. Throughout her academic and work experiences, she has provided leadership and technical expertise on diverse projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, France, the United-Kingdom and Canada.

Selected as an Emerging voice for Global Health 2020, she belongs to a generation of young African leaders who are achieving cutting-edge work while advocating for health equity and social justice. She has co-founded the Women in Global Health Francophone initiative to advocate for Francophone Women inclusion in population and global health decision making.

Dr Ouedraogo holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Epidemiology and Public Heath from the University of Burgundy – France; and a Doctoral Degree in Pharmacy from the Mohammed V University in Rabat – Morocco. She has benefited from a post-Ph.D. training in transdisciplinary research on public policies promoting health and for health system improvement at McGill University and the “Institut national de santé publique du Québec” as part of the Canadian Institutes of Health research Health System Impact Fellowship (HSIF) program.

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