Co-submission of abstracts with IAS 2025 is allowed. You can submit your abstract(s) to both INTEREST 2025 and IAS 2025 as long as you comply with the IAS 2025 embargo policy. The co-submission agreement does not apply to IAS 2025 late-breaker abstracts.
Abstracts should contain the following four components:
Please note that abstracts cannot be accepted if they include tables, graphs, grant acknowledgements, or literature reference. The maximum word count for the abstract body is 350 words.
Abstract submitters are strongly encouraged to use person-first language in their abstracts.
Abstracts are considered as official communications to the conference and will be treated confidentially. For those abstracts that are accepted, submitters agree to attend the meeting and present their abstract as scheduled. African Early-Career Investigators whose abstracts are accepted for oral or mini-oral presentation will be eligible for travel and accommodation support.
We advise abstract submitters not to pay registration until the decision regarding their abstract is known
Authors can submit their abstracts electronically using the button “Submit Abstract“. You will be redirected to the submission website. Please follow the step-by-step directions, which will enable you to upload the abstract. To ensure your abstract retains any special characters or formatting, the abstract must be in Microsoft Word format.
The abstract submission deadline will be on Friday, 17 January 2025.
You can read the full terms and conditions here: Terms & Conditions
For purposes of review and programming, abstracts are divided into topical categories. Selection of the most appropriate category is important as it determines who reviews your abstract. The International Conference Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract to a more appropriate category.
We are pleased to offer a 50% discount on the registration fee for early-career investigators without an accepted abstract.
The applicant should either:
An application form needs to be completed by a supervisor and received by the conference secretariat at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the conference.
The conference secretariat will contact the early-career investigator with instructions regarding registration for the conference once the application has been received.
The highest-scoring abstract submitted to INTEREST will be designated with the Joep Lange Award. In honor of the co-founder of INTEREST, Prof. Joep Lange, this special recognition for outstanding research is announced during the conference each year. The recipient receives free registration plus travel and accommodation to attend the next INTEREST.
Professors Charles Boucher and Joep Lange co-founded the INTEREST conference in 2007 to bring together a multidisciplinary team of experts to share knowledge and establish partnerships with the ultimate aim of improving the life quality of people living with HIV across the African continent.
Charles’ love for teaching, particularly regarding educating young researchers, was well known. He was an outstanding mentor, always ready to give advice and encouragement, and his passion for science and love of education will remain with us forever.
It has been almost three years since Charles passed away, and this award at a conference so close to his heart, honours his memory and contributes to the phenomenal legacy of our friend and colleague.
The Charles Boucher Award recipient receives waived registration and all travel and accommodation costs to attend the next INTEREST conference are included.
It is the responsibility of the corresponding/presenting author to inform all co-authors of the abstract’s status. Please notify the Conference Secretariat if you have not received notification by the second week of March 2025. If your abstract is accepted, one author is required to register for the conference and present the paper as scheduled. Guidelines for preparing your oral and/or poster presentations will be sent after your abstract has been accepted.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. All abstracts will be published in the INTEREST 2025 Abstract Book. Please note that the conference secretariat cannot be held responsible for any typing or language errors in the submitted abstracts.